Saturday, July 28, 2012


1. Go Away-
For couples who live together, this is very important. Sharing a common living space can make a clean break seem virtually impossible. There are so many things to consider once two people have decided to divide their lives again. If you find yourself breaking up with your special someone, try going away for a while. It does not have to be a long and engaging vacation. One or two nights in a nearby hotel should do the trick. Do NOT stay with friends or family. No matter how supportive they are, they will more than likely be biased one way or the other because they love you. It's best to find some neutral space to do whatever you need in order to deal with the shock of the separation. You'll need someplace where you will not be surrounded by souvenirs of your relationship. In a quiet and clean hotel room, you can have total privacy to cry, shout, sleep, think, read, or do whatever you need to, to alleviate some of the shock and pain.
2. Make a Pros/Cons List-
Get out a sheet of paper and make four columns. Label the columns as follows : Pros, Cons, Pros, Cons. Let the first set of Pros and Cons represent the advantages and disadvantages of being together with your former mate. Do the same for the next two columns. Only these columns will represent being apart. It may sound silly. And if you're feeling exceptionally raw about breaking up, you may find that one or more columns are filled to capacity, while others only have one item. That is just fine. Write down your feelings anyway. Keep the list and continue to go back to it. You may find that over time, some items may move from one side of the list to the other. This is because people often see their mistakes in retrospect. And some things that we thought were good for us, were actually detrimental to the relationship.
3. Treat Yourself-
Some people rely on pints of Haagen Daaz. Some people grab a few beers with the buddies. And some indulge in a little retail therapy. While these may seem like viable options for soothing the wounds of a nasty split, they are not always the wisest. Pigging out on ice cream feels good temporarily. But eating out of frustration is never a good thing. "Break Up Shopping" may also result in some negative repercussions. The kind of treat that you should give yourself will feel good from the inside out. Try to delight yourself with new experiences. Take a class or attend a seminar. Visit a tourist attraction in your own city that you may never have seen before. The point here is to do something that is healthy and engaging for your mind. Sometimes people put so much energy into their relationships that they rarely make time for themselves. The fragile time after a break up is the perfect opportunity to do just that.
4. Change Your Routine- 
Many couples establish certain routines without even thinking about it. When suddenly, the person that you loved no longer wants to be with you, not only is your ego damaged, but you also feel a loss of control. One way to re-establish control over your life is to change your routine. If you normally work from 8 to 4pm, try changing your schedule so that you include other activities in your workweek. Changing things up a bit will make you feel like you're taking charge of an adverse situation.
5. Therapy- 
When all else fails, there is always the good old therapist. No longer do you have to have stacks of cash in order to get some quality objectivity. The stigma associated with mental health has subsided over the years. Many corporations offer programs (called EAPs) that have been created for the sole purpose of helping their employees deal with difficult life issues. Typically, the employee is offered 3 free sessions with a counselor or therapist listed in a directory (further sessions require payment). Sometimes it simply helps to be completely candid with a stranger who is unbiased to your situation. You can see things that you might not have seen. And a therapist can also help you to regain a sense of balance when things have gone awry.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Things for Singles to do on Valentine’s Day

Have a Party Invite all your single friends (guys and girls) or those whose dates are unavailable, and have a bash at your place. Get some cocktails, appetizers and music going and make the night memorable by taking it easy with your close friends. This is a great option if you don't want to spend Valentine's Day alone

Treat yourself got to a spa or get a massage
Go to a spa or get a massage. No matter what you do spend Valentine's Day doing what you enjoy most and feel good about yourself

Veg out, eat and watch EXACTLY what you want to!
After all you deserve it

Be smug – Coupledom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
Enough Said!

Hang out with your fave male/female friend
Spend quality time with the female/male friend that you feel closest to. Who knows, maybe a night of two lonely souls might lead to more interesting casual encounters!

Do the usual
Go about your routine, and it'll feel like just another regular day. Go to work, and then head to the gym and when you go home enjoy your dinner in front of some quality TV. Go to bed and when you wake up it'll be the 15th of February and you can carry on as normal

Make it your day
Valentine's Day is really no different from any other day, and it's simply another commercial holiday. But if you don't want to spend the next Valentine's Day alone, then think about how to avoid becoming an eternal bachelor/spinster - although it's a great life, isn't it?

Monday, January 30, 2012

10 Tips To Remove Acne And Pimples Permanently

1) STOP popping the spots, also known as pimples and zits. This may make the pimple look worse due to inflammation and irritation. Popping a zit can spread infection under the skin and produce even more pimples than before. If you do pop a spot then immediately clean it with soap and water or rubbing alcohol in order to prevent infection.
2) Remove any make-up you have on. Wearing make-up can clog pores, making them dirty and causing pimples.
3) Use a mild soap for sensitive skin but it doesn't matter exactly what type of soap you use. It can be designed for acne-prone skin or not, but you will want to treat your skin gently. Harsh antibacterial soap may actually make your acne worse by irritating skin.
4) Remove dead skin cells regularly by exfoliating. Use a gentle scrub with natural defoliants like ground walnut shells, or use an over-the-counter chemical defoliant like salicylic acid or glycolic acid. Adding ground walnut shell to a thick moisturizer like cocoa butter can be effective too.
5) Use a good toner. Spray onto face or wipe on with a cotton ball and wipe off with a clean, dry cotton ball. This gets rid of excess cleanser and tightens pores. Good, inexpensive choices include plain witch hazel for normal to dry skin, lemon juice, or 3% hydrogen peroxide for oily skin.
6) Bacteria in pores is one cause of spots. Reduce the amount of bacteria by using toners containing anti-bacterial agents like alcohol, peroxide and benzalkonium chloride, and by using creams that contain benzoyl peroxide, which kill bacteria as well as cause the skin to regenerate faster.
7) Maintain a routine. Most acne treatments take time to work. It usually takes between two and eight weeks before you see any significant improvement, so you are going to have to be patient. Once you've gotten your acne cleared up, it's important to continue with the treatment that's working so it does not return.
8) Understand that if all else fails, contact a doctor. Mild antibiotics that are available only by prescription can help reduce acne. Keep in mind though, that the widespread overuse (taking antibiotics when you really don't need them or for something they don't treat) and misuse (not taking medication for the specified amount of time) of antibiotics has led to the development of multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria.
9) Keep hair off of your face if at all possible. If you want to keep your bangs, then consider taking showers regularly or keeping your forehead clean with oil-dabbing cloths / clean tissues / etc.
10) Get some good sleep. Stress increases your skin's oiliness, which, combined with sweat and dirt, can clog pores and cause pimples. (Change your pillowcase frequently.)